On November 7 & 8, the Vapur team attended this year's Opportunity Green conference at UCLA. This global sustainability conference was chock-full of innovative ideas and a shared passion for change. The day began with a riveting show from famed photographer Chris Jordan, who vividly illustrates the scale of our trash and captured thousands of dead albatrosses on Midway Island in the Gyre . Annie Leonard shared the story behind her critique of American consumerism, the Story of Stuff. We even heard advertising change agents who are transforming the COP15 UN Climate Change Conference on Dec 7, 2010 into a global campaign for hope via Hopenhagen.Read the the Los Angeles Times article about the conference, featuring our friend Kevin Krohner for IOS Technologies. We first wrote about the conference here.
Our Co-Founder, Jason Carignan explaining the evils of bottled water.