Upcycle your Vapur bottle with Terracycle to give it a fresh purpose

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Fully Recycle your used Vapur bottle with Terracycle

TerraCycle offers Zero Waste Boxes for purchase to recycle hundreds of waste streams and runs cigarette recycling programs for major cities.

Through a worldwide collection network, TerraCycle has created the largest global supply chain by volume for recycled beach plastic. Vapur has proudly joined the network and now arranges to send used Vapur bottles back to TerraCycle for upcycling through this Zero Waste Box Program.

Why send your bottle back?

Not only will you receive a 50% discount on a future Vapur purchase, you personally will be making a difference in the world! Your bottle will be reconstructed into a brand new product thanks to our new partnership with TerraCycle. Rethink the way you drink.


About Terracycle

TerraCycle is a world leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams. Its brand-funded free programs operate in 21 countries and have contributed millions of dollars to schools and non-profits.


How to Send Back Your Bottle?

Send your bottle back to:


OXNARD, CA 93030

Include a note with your email address and you’ll receive a customized 50% promo code to use at

Thank you for making a difference and keeping Vapur Anti-Bottles out of landfills & repurposed for good.

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