
The Best Water Bottles for Outdoor Activities


Water is the essential life force that keeps us and all living things alive. That is why you should always have a reusable water bottle handy, especially when planning outdoor activities. Sure, you can buy a bottle of water at a store, but you’ll be wasting money and creating more trash.  What Makes a Great Water Bottle? When selecting a water bottle,...
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Easy Ways To Stay Hydrated At Work


Do you often have headaches while you're at work? Are you feeling extremely tired even though you've just clocked in a couple of hours ago? It's likely that you're dehydrated. Tiredness or fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and having a dry mouth are some of the most common symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration. Lack of hydration not only leaves you feeling unwell, but it...
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Leave It Better Than You Found It: Teaching Environmental Stewardship to Kids Through Hiking


Spending time hiking with your kids has a multitude of benefits. It can boost their physical and mental health and encourage their love of the outdoors. Importantly, the approach you take to hiking can be a great way to teach environmental stewardship. Why is this important? Well, sustainability isn’t just a matter of recycling and reusing. It’s also about how we treat...
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The Effect of Adequate Hydration On Student Performance


Supplying your body with adequate hydration positively affects your body, mind and well-being in general. Yet, you might not have heard that drinking plenty of water is particularly important for students. The research has shown that students who drink water during the exam score of 5% higher on average. So, how does the proper hydration affect our bodies and minds during the...
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The Connection Between Home Humidity and Body Hydration


Every homeowner deals with indoor humidity challenges. Too much humidity can make things uncomfortably sticky, but too little can cause issues, too. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the sweet spot for indoor humidity is between 30-50%. With the shifting climate in the U.S., keeping our home's humidity levels in check is more crucial than ever. While many of us focus...
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5 Snacks and Drinks to Bring on a Long Hike


The serene, peaceful feeling you get when you’re on a long hike can make you forget that it’s actually a high-level workout. You’re burning more than 400 calories per hour on an average hike, usually over multiple hours. That means if you don’t fuel your body properly during your hike, your body will suffer. In this article we’ll give you everything you...
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