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Vapur Obtains Injunction and Legal Fees Against Australian Importer/Wholesaler Peddling Lookalike "Anti-Bottles"

Vapur Obtains Injunction and Legal Fees Against Australian Importer/Wholesaler Peddling Lookalike "Anti-Bottles"
30 Aug 2011

Company’s Court Action Stops Unauthorized Sales, Import of Copycat Product

Westlake Village, CA—August 31, 2012, VAPUR®, makers of the foldable, flexible, reusable and eco-responsible “Anti-Bottle,” has successfully obtained an injunction to stop an Australian importer and wholesaler from importing and/or selling a made-in-China flexible reusable water bottle.Soon after learning of the existence of the lookalike bottles at the Reed Gift Fair held in Melbourne, Australia (August 6-10, 2011), Vapur filed the injunction with Australia’s federal court on August 12, 2011. On August 16, the importer and wholesaler was ordered by the court:
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