Vapur spent the weekend enjoying the Catalina sunshine, cheering on competitors and getting to know the veterans and trendsetters of the skate industry at Riviera's Catalina Island Classic on May 5-6, 2012.The original 'Catalina Classic,' began in 1977 with a group of elite downhill skaters and has now grown into "a weekend long island skate invasion." This past weekend included a performance from Ben Harper, an invitation only longboard downhill race and a miniramp demo from the infamous Mike Vallely.Vapur was proud to spend the weekend amongst street-cred sponsors such as: Pabst Blue Ribbon, Wheelbase, Zinka!, Sector 8, CSC BoardShop, Riviera Skateboards and Elephant Brand Skateboards.A shout out to our favorites:Justin Reynolds - This event wouldn't have been possible without his efforts.Mike Vallely - Celebrated 25 years as a pro-skater at the Catalina Island Classic.Kody Noble - A crossover skater between hardcore street skating and long-boarding.James Kelly - Winner of the Catalina Island Classic's downhill race.The Vapur team is looking forward to next year!