Patents and Trademarks

At Vapur, we take pride in the fact that the Vapur Anti-Bottle is a high quality product made with care. We are dedicated to protecting our trademarks and patents.

With a product as innovative as the Anti-Bottle, there are unfortunately counterfeits on the market. If you believe you have purchased a counterfeit, contact us at to confirm. To learn more about our patents, please click the links below.

Insist on the real thing. Vapur Anti-Bottles are BPA-free, Phthalate-free and are backed by our one year warranty.

Country Patent Number
US USD619906
US USD622612
US USD67993
Ez Lick foldable dog bottle's Pupcap:
Country Patent Number
US US11324196


  • Vapur, Inc
  • Vapur
  • Anti-Bottle
  • Ez Lick Pet Hydration (Pending)


Rethink the Way you Drink