Vapur Team joined 130+ volunteers from industry leading companies,
Horny Toad and
Deckers, at the
Conservation Alliance’s fourth annual Backyard Collective on March 21, 2013. The Backyard Collective is held each year in an effort join forces with neighboring Conservation Alliance member companies in a collective goal to beautify their “backyard.”This year, Conservation Alliance tapped into the
Ventura Hillsides Conservancy to improve the Ventura River Parkway. This parkway has earned the street title of “Hobo Jungle” due to the hundreds of illegal homeless that have resided in the dry, overgrown Ventura riverbed over the last decade. Devoted efforts, like the Backyard Collective, have taken place in this area in recent years to work to create long term environmental and social solutions.Vapur co-founder and CEO, David Czerwinski, helped kickoff the morning with the following presenters: Gordon Seabury from Horny Toad, Rose Marcario from Patagonia, Joel Heath from Teva, Eric Artz from REI and Cassondra Schindler from the Conservation Alliance. The theme from each presenter emphasized how the outdoors are our “playground” and, as companies in this industry, we have a commitment to both enjoy and protect it.Amidst the poison oak, wild brush and empty homeless encampments that had to be cleared out, the following was accomplished by this lionhearted team volunteers: